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Update 16/5/13
Spitfire MK805 on display at Intwood Hall

Simply Spitfire had a great day at Intwood Hall on Sunday 12th may with Spitfire MK805, weather was sunny and everyone enjoyed the day. Thanks to Richard Gordon and family and staff for all the tea & cakes.
Very busy day at Intwood Hall.

Intwood Hall Sunday 12th May with Spitfire mk805.

Shot of Spitfire MK805 fully fitted out cockpit with ALL original parts
Even smells like a real Spitfire.

Another shot of MK805 Cockpit. We will be offering a new event for the winter of 2013/14 this will be the SPITFIRE EXPERIENCE watch this space.

One happy person.

Just to let everyone know Simply Spitfire will be at Dover Castle on 25th 26th 27th of May so come a long and say hello and have a look round Spitfire MK805 and have a chat with the team, looking forward to a great weekend and a Very busy 2013.
Last year at Dover castle.

Update 28/3/13
Simply Spitfire are pleased to announce that we will be attending The Military & forties show which will take place at The Lawn, Hall road, Road, Rochford, Essex SS4 1PJ. You can visit there website at Come along & see our classic Spifire MK805.
Spitfire MK805 will also be attending the event as follows.....
Sunday 12th May 2013
Children under 12 Free
Dogs on Leads Welcome
Spitfire Mk IX MK805
Tea and home made Cake
Music By Norfolk Brass
Vintage & Classic Cars
Military vehicles
In Aid of
Intwood & Keswick Church
Update 21/2/13
Tuesday Terry & MK805 featured live on radio Coventry. Many thanks to Vic Minett on the afternoon show. You can listen to the interview on her show by following this link which started at 2.16pm.
Picture taken last year at Lincolnshire wolds railway. We will be back again this year on the 7th & 8th September, come along for a great weekend with plenty for all to see

Another great photo taken by Brian Arlow who is our photographer and has taken many of the photos of MK805 on our facebook and website. This picture was taken at Dover castle in 2012. The first time a Spitfire has been inside the castle grounds.

Dover 2012, met some great people, they played a great part, made us most welcome. We will be back at Dover this year on May 25th 26th 27th. Come along and say hello and have a look round Spitfire MK805, many more activities going on around the castle for all the family
Update 21/9/12
The season so far has been very busy for Spitfire MK805, with us attending a number of events throughout the country. We will be showing pictures of our events in the spitfire gallery shortly. At the beginning of the year we carried out work on the wings, changing from a clipped wing to the full elliptical wing. This brings the aircraft up to spec with the original MK805.
MK805 started 2012 with being involved in some film work. Which is due to be televised towards the end of the year. An update will be given when you can see this programe in September.
We also have some new additions to display alongside MK805 which include four replica Brownings 303 machine guns with 303 ammo belts. Plus pilot memorabilia equipment which include, log book, maps, personal items, and are bell tent which incorparates a 1940's camp bed and sleeping bag.
Also our team members now dress in full RAF uniforms, ect, to add authenticity to the display.
RAF Hendon weekend 15th and 16th September was a great event. I would like to say a big thankyou to Lewis and the team for making us most welcome.
Photos to follow.
20th September was the screening of Heroes of the sky featuring Douglas Bader, with some shots of MK805's cockpit. Next week is the episode featuring MK805 in more detail as she was used for alot of the ground filming.
Our next event will be in Sussex on the 27th, 28th & 29th October.
On 1st November Spitfire MK805 will be on display in Covent garden London to help raise funds for the Royal British legion poppy day appeal.
Janurary will see Mk805 stripped down for winter maintenance and will be back for showing by the second week of March ready for a busy 2013. We will be visiting the Isle of white in July 2013